Places to Live

Living on campus is more than room size and location! At DU, 你会发现各种各样的住房选择,方便地位于你的班级步行距离内. While the first two years require on-campus living, 在你的生活承诺之后返回,可以提供持续的便利和社区意识. 我们的校园住宿范围从单人床、双人床到套房和公寓, ensuring we meet your preferences.

The dedicated staff at Housing & 住宿教育确保您的住宿社区适合您,并为您提供一个支持性和愉快的环境,让您感到归属感, regardless of where you stay on campus.

探索杜独特的住房选择,如亲和住房,生活 & 学习型社区(llc)、性别包容性选项和清醒生活社区. We believe there's a perfect place for everyone.

Explore our Residential Communities


First-Year Students

一年级学生住在三个不同的宿舍之一, 每个房间都有双人间,提供与室友分享经验的机会.

Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls, affectionately known as Halls, 毗邻里奇中心,离轻轨站仅几步之遥. 霍尔斯是我们最大的一年级学生宿舍,提供无与伦比的便利. With a two-minute walk, 您可以观看一场激动人心的比赛,也可以在大楼内享受我们先进的无收银员市场.

Explore Halls
Dimond Family Residential Village

Dimond Family Residential Village

在充满活力的戴蒙德家庭住宅村(DFRV)社区内, 你将与其他一年级学生分享生活空间, forming a close-knit pod—a community within a community. 每个豆荚包括20个房间和一个专门的休息室. For shared culinary experiences with friends, 底层的乡村厨房是众多诱人的公共区域之一,旨在创造一种舒适的家的感觉.

Explore DFRV
Johnson-McFarlane Hall

Johnson-McFarlane Hall

Discover Johnson-McFarlane Hall, affectionately known as J-Mac, 校园南侧迷人的三层宿舍, conveniently located near STEM and Lamont classes. Embrace the inviting atmosphere of the J-Mac Beach, 风景优美的草坪,学生们在这里玩飞盘等活泼的游戏, bask in the sunshine, and enjoy casual moments of people-watching.

Explore J-Mac

Second-Year Students


Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls, affectionately known as Halls, 毗邻里奇中心,离轻轨站仅几步之遥. 霍尔斯是我们最大的一年级学生宿舍,提供无与伦比的便利. With a two-minute walk, 您可以观看一场激动人心的比赛,也可以在大楼内享受我们先进的无收银员市场.

Explore Halls
Centennial towers

Centennial Towers

Centennial Towers, affectionately known as Towers, 在校园的北端是否有一个独特的套房式住宅. 它靠近里奇中心和便利的轻轨站. Discover the comfort of each suite, featuring two spacious bedrooms, a shared bathroom, and a kitchen. 

Explore Towers
Nagel Hall

Nagel Hall

内格尔大厅靠近各种学术建筑和安德森学术公地. Nagel Hall provides a dynamic living experience. 选择一个套房安排设有两个双人房或公寓风格的布局与厨房, living room, and four single rooms, ensuring a comfortable and personalized living space. 享受便利和内格尔大厅的无收银员市场的产品.

Explore Nagel
Nelson Hall

Nelson Hall

Experience the vibrant community life at Nelson Hall, 一个繁荣的二年级学生社区聚集在一起. 纳尔逊大厅提供便利和中心位置,靠近安德森学术公地和各种学术建筑. Nelson Hall stands out with its suite-style accommodations. Each suite comprises two to four bedrooms, 套房同伴共用一间浴室和一个公共入口空间. 为了增加方便,一楼到四楼设有社区厨房和自习室.

Explore Nelson
Hilltop apartments


坐落在校园的南侧,山顶公寓是一个新装修的公寓. 居民受益于接近尼尔森大厅的便利商店, 学生可以方便地使用膳食计划现金或借记卡/信用卡购买杂货和个人物品.

Explore Hilltop

Third & Fourth-Year Students

After your two-year live-on requirement, you're free to live off campus, 但许多三年级和四年级的学生决定留在学校,因为方便和社区. Each of these apartment buildings is centrally located.

Nagel Hall

Nagel Hall

内格尔大厅靠近各种学术建筑和安德森学术公地. Nagel Hall provides a dynamic living experience. 选择一个套房安排设有两个双人房或公寓风格的布局与厨房, living room, and four single rooms, ensuring a comfortable and personalized living space. 享受便利和内格尔大厅的无收银员市场的产品.

Explore Nagel
University lofts

University Lofts

University Lofts is conveniently located on E. 从丹尼尔斯商学院(Daniels College of Business)和安德森学术公地(Anderson Academic Commons)走一小段路就到了. Embrace the freedom to tailor your living experience, 无论你是喜欢独自生活的宁静,还是喜欢与朋友共享空间的友情. University Lofts offers a variety of apartment options, from cozy studios to spacious two- and four-bedroom units, including the unique allure of four-bedroom lofts.

Explore ULofts
University place

University Place

At the north end of campus, 大学广场公寓靠近里奇中心和健康中心 & Counseling Center.  Choose from the comfort of a one-bedroom, single-occupancy unit or opt for a two-bedroom unit, each featuring single occupancy per bedroom. Every apartment has a kitchen, living room, and a private bathroom, ensuring a comfortable living space. 大学广场还设有杜的公寓社区办公室, 为居民提供额外的便利和支持.

Explore UPlace

Graduate Students

You can be busy day and night as a graduate student. 住在校园有助于保持平衡,让你接近你的学术生活. 

Lynn Marie

Lynn Marie

Near the north end of campus, 林恩·玛丽公寓是里奇中心的体育设施, the Health & Counseling Center, and the Ricketson Law Building. Each unit features a thoughtfully designed living room, kitchen, and bathroom, 为住户提供舒适、设备齐全的空间, including furnished studios, one-bedroom, or two-bedroom units. 

Explore Lynn-Marie


Ridgeline Apartments好吗?有人住过吗 & Counseling Center. 拥抱舒适的现代生活在一个或两个卧室的单位精心设计,包括一个厨房, inviting living room, and a private bathroom.

Explore Ridgeline


At the north end of campus, 顶峰公寓是在著名的里奇中心附近,包括一个家具齐全的一居室公寓. Each unit features a well-equipped kitchen, an inviting living room, and a bathroom with ample closet space. 

Explore Summit

Transfer Students

Transfer House exterior

Transfer Housing

We're glad you've chosen DU to continue your education! Housing & 住宿教育(HRE)将帮助你适应并茁壮成长. You'll live in Centennial Halls, known as Halls, or join the Transfer Living Community, or TLC, 你将在哪里建立自己的社交网络,并享受住校学生助理的支持. TLC成员住在校园中心的Transfer House.

Transfer House
Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls

Centennial Halls, affectionately known as Halls, 毗邻里奇中心,离轻轨站仅几步之遥. 霍尔斯是我们最大的一年级学生宿舍,提供无与伦比的便利. With a two-minute walk, 您可以观看一场激动人心的比赛,也可以在大楼内享受我们先进的无收银员市场.

Explore Halls

Fraternity & Sorority Housing


Greek Organizations

As a member of a DU fraternity or sorority, 你可能期待与兄弟会或姐妹会的其他成员住在一起. While Fraternity & Sorority Life 与杜所有的兄弟会和姐妹会合作,九个与杜宿舍有关系. 其中四人的住房设施是DU拥有和/或经营的, and five are privately owned and/or operated. Check the Fraternity & 看看你的兄弟会或姐妹会的房子是否在名单上. 

Fraternity & Sorority Housing


Ready to Live Off Campus?

在完成两年的住校要求后,你有很多校外选择可以探索. DU has partnered with Apartments.Com的网站帮助你更容易找到校外住房.

Find Off-Campus Housing